Over the last few months as an English speaking Romanian law Company with international connections, we have received a number of enquiries from people outside of Romania who have woken up to the fact that they have in the past made investments in Romania and Eastern Europe and they do not know what has happened
Succession The 17th August may not have been a very important day for many people and lawyers in Romania, but it will have had an impact on them. For Romanian family lawyers and those involved with tax planning, succession with cross border aspects have often given rise to complex structures. The law of succession varies
Now to some people in Romania penalties only relate to rugby or football. But to a lawyer, they have a more significant role in contract law. We have noted in the past the confusion regarding penalties not only in the minds of investors from the United Kingdom and the United States of America but also
The Business Angel law has now been introduced into the Romanian legal system. Whether it will stimulate investment in new ventures is a question which still has to be answered. It is a step taken by the Government to try and bring new investment into the market. Law no. 120/2015 regarding fiscal facilities granted to
Whilst not specifically part of the initial contract negotiations the introduction of lawyers into the negotiations will add a further dynamic. Depending on the size of the company the legal department may have been part of the original negotiating team and this can be both a hindrance and a help. The majority of larger companies
The Romanian Government is presently trying to change the current Financial Code and issue a new Romanian Financial Code. The reasons for the changes appear to as much political as economic, and indeed a number of economists have criticized the Government for what they see as obvious electioneering. The reduction in certain taxes will certainly
Despite the recent scandals in the Romanian political class 2015 looks for the economy at least being a year to celebrate. Economic activity in Romania is on the increase and therefore M&A business for Romanian law firms will increase. As though anticipating this last year the Romanian Competition Council (the “Council) revised its merger control
Why the above headline. During a recent trip to London the question of Greece and Ukraine were raised by a number of people on the basis of what was the impact of the problems in Greece and Ukraine on the Romanian economy and business environment. It was an aspect that whilst in relation to Greece we
Romania as the most eastward of the countries in the European Union receives each year a number of applications for residency from non EU citizens. Romania is open to granting residency subject to strict guidelines and laws. The legal framework regarding the possibility to reside in Romania for non EU citizens is established in accordance